Source code for gwpopulation_pipe.data_analysis

Functions for running stochastic sampling with Bilby for pre-collected posteriors.

The module provides the `gwpopulation_pipe_analysis` executable.

In order to use many of the other functions you will need a class that provides
various attributes specified in the `gwpopulation_pipe` parser.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import inspect
import json
import os
import sys
from importlib import import_module

import matplotlib

matplotlib.use("agg")  # noqa

import dill
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bilby.core.sampler import run_sampler
from bilby.core.prior import Constraint, LogUniform, ConditionalPriorDict
from bilby.core.utils import (
from bilby_pipe.utils import convert_string_to_dict
from gwpopulation.backend import set_backend
from gwpopulation.conversions import convert_to_beta_parameters
from gwpopulation.hyperpe import HyperparameterLikelihood, RateLikelihood
from gwpopulation.models.mass import (
from gwpopulation.models.spin import (
from gwpopulation.utils import to_numpy
from scipy.stats import gamma
from import trange

from . import vt_helper
from .parser import create_parser as create_main_parser
from .utils import (

[docs] def create_parser(): parser = create_main_parser() parser.add_argument("--prior", help="Prior file readable by bilby.") parser.add_argument( "--models", type=str, action="append", help="Model functions to evaluate, default is " "two component mass and iid spins.", ) parser.add_argument( "--vt-models", type=str, action="append", help="Model functions to evaluate for selection, default is no model", ) parser.add_argument( "--max-samples", default=1e10, type=int, help="Maximum number of posterior samples per event", ) parser.add_argument( "--rate", default=False, type=bool, help="Whether to sample in the merger rate." ) return parser
[docs] def load_prior(args): filename = get_path_or_local(args.prior_file) if filename.endswith(".json"): hyper_prior = ConditionalPriorDict.from_json(filename=filename) else: hyper_prior = ConditionalPriorDict(filename=filename) hyper_prior.conversion_function = prior_conversion if args.rate: hyper_prior["rate"] = LogUniform( minimum=1e-1, maximum=1e3, name="rate", latex_label="$R$", boundary="reflective", ) return hyper_prior
MODEL_MAP = { "two_component_primary_mass_ratio": two_component_primary_mass_ratio, "iid_spin": iid_spin, "iid_spin_magnitude": iid_spin_magnitude_beta, "ind_spin_magnitude": independent_spin_magnitude_beta, "iid_spin_orientation": iid_spin_orientation_gaussian_isotropic, "two_comp_iid_spin_orientation": iid_spin_orientation_gaussian_isotropic, "ind_spin_orientation": independent_spin_orientation_gaussian_isotropic, "SmoothedMassDistribution": SinglePeakSmoothedMassDistribution, "SinglePeakSmoothedMassDistribution": SinglePeakSmoothedMassDistribution, "BrokenPowerLawSmoothedMassDistribution": BrokenPowerLawSmoothedMassDistribution, "MultiPeakSmoothedMassDistribution": MultiPeakSmoothedMassDistribution, "BrokenPowerLawPeakSmoothedMassDistribution": BrokenPowerLawPeakSmoothedMassDistribution, } def _model_class(args): if args.cosmo: from functools import partial from gwpopulation.experimental.cosmo_models import CosmoModel cls = partial(CosmoModel, cosmo_model=args.cosmology) elif args.backend == "jax": from gwpopulation.experimental.jax import NonCachingModel cls = NonCachingModel else: from bilby.hyper.model import Model cls = Model return cls
[docs] def load_model(args): if args.models is None: args.models = dict( mass="two_component_primary_mass_ratio", mag="iid_spin_magnitude", tilt="iid_spin_orientation", redshift="gwpopulation.models.redshift.PowerLawRedshift", ) cls = _model_class(args) model = cls([_load_model(model, args) for model in args.models.values()]) return model
[docs] def load_vt(args): if args.vt_function == "" or args.vt_file in ["None", None]: return vt_helper.dummy_selection cls = _model_class(args) vt_model = cls([_load_model(model, args) for model in args.vt_models.values()]) try: vt_func = getattr(vt_helper, args.vt_function) return vt_func( args.vt_file, model=vt_model, ifar_threshold=args.vt_ifar_threshold, snr_threshold=args.vt_snr_threshold, ) except AttributeError: return vt_helper.injection_resampling_vt( vt_file=args.vt_file, model=vt_model, ifar_threshold=args.vt_ifar_threshold, snr_threshold=args.vt_snr_threshold, )
def _load_model(model, args): if model[-5:] == ".json": model = get_path_or_local(model) with open(model, "r") as ff: json_model = json.load(ff, object_hook=decode_bilby_json) try: cls = getattr(import_module(json_model["module"]), json_model["class"]) _model = cls(**json_model.get("kwargs", dict()))"Using {cls} from {json_model['module']}.") except KeyError: logger.error(f"Failed to load {model} from json file.") raise elif "." in model: module, function = model.rsplit(".", maxsplit=1) try: _model = getattr(import_module(module), function) except ModuleNotFoundError: if os.path.exists(f"{module}.py"):"Unable to import {module}, using local file") sys.path.append(".") _model = getattr(import_module(module), function) else: raise"Using {function} from {module}.") elif model in MODEL_MAP: _model = MODEL_MAP[model]"Using {model}.") else: raise ValueError(f"Model {model} not found.") if inspect.isclass(_model): if "redshift" in model.lower(): kwargs = dict(z_max=args.max_redshift) elif "mass" in model.lower(): kwargs = dict(mmin=args.minimum_mass, mmax=args.maximum_mass) else: kwargs = dict() try: _model = _model(**kwargs)"Created {model} with arguments {kwargs}") except TypeError: logger.warning(f"Failed to instantiate {model} with arguments {kwargs}") _model = _model() return _model
[docs] def create_likelihood(args, posteriors, model, selection): if args.rate: if args.enforce_minimum_neffective_per_event: raise ValueError( "No likelihood available to enforce convergence of Monte Carlo integrals " "while sampling over rate." ) likelihood_class = RateLikelihood elif args.enforce_minimum_neffective_per_event: likelihood_class = MinimumEffectiveSamplesLikelihood else: likelihood_class = HyperparameterLikelihood selection.enforce_convergence = False likelihood = likelihood_class( posteriors, model, conversion_function=convert_to_beta_parameters, selection_function=selection, max_samples=args.max_samples, cupy=args.backend == "cupy", maximum_uncertainty=args.maximum_uncertainty, ) return likelihood
[docs] def get_sampler_kwargs(args): sampler_kwargs = dict(nlive=500, nact=2, walks=5) if args.sampler_kwargs == "Default": sampler_kwargs = dict() elif not isinstance(args.sampler_kwargs, dict): sampler_kwargs.update(convert_string_to_dict(args.sampler_kwargs)) else: sampler_kwargs = args.sampler_kwargs if args.sampler == "cpnest" and "seed" not in sampler_kwargs: sampler_kwargs["seed"] = np.random.randint(0, 1e6) return sampler_kwargs
[docs] def compute_rate_posterior(posterior, selection): r""" Compute the rate posterior as a post-processing step. This method is the same as described in To get the rate at :math:`z=0` we stop after step four. The total surveyed four-volume is given as .. math:: V_{\rm tot}(\Lambda) = T_{\rm obs} \int dz \frac{1}{1+z} \frac{dVc}{dz} \psi(z|\Lambda) Note that :math:`\psi(z=0|\Lambda) = 1` The sensitive four-volume is then :math:`\mu V_{\rm tot}` where :math:`\mu` is the fraction of injections which are found. We draw samples from the gamma distribution with mean N_EVENTS + 1 These samples of this are then divided by the sensitive four-volume to give the average rate over the surveyed volume with units :math:`Gpc^{-3}yr^{-1}`. Parameters ---------- posterior: pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing the posterior samples selection: vt_helper.InjectionResamplingVT Object that computes: - the mean and variance of the survey completeness - the total surveyed 4-volume weighted by the redshift distribution """ from numpy import log10 from .utils import maybe_jit if selection == vt_helper.dummy_selection: posterior["log_10_rate"] = log10( gamma(a=vt_helper.N_EVENTS).rvs(len(posterior)) ) return else: efficiencies = list() n_effective = list() surveyed_hypervolume = list() func = maybe_jit(selection.detection_efficiency) for ii in trange(len(posterior), file=sys.stdout): parameters = dict(posterior.iloc[ii]) efficiency, variance = func(parameters) efficiencies.append(float(efficiency)) n_effective.append(float(efficiency**2 / variance)) surveyed_hypervolume.append( float(selection.surveyed_hypervolume(parameters)) ) posterior["selection"] = efficiencies posterior["pdet_n_effective"] = n_effective posterior["surveyed_hypervolume"] = surveyed_hypervolume posterior["log_10_rate"] = log10( gamma(a=int(vt_helper.N_EVENTS)).rvs(len(posterior)) / posterior["surveyed_hypervolume"] / posterior["selection"] ) posterior["rate"] = 10**posterior.log_10_rate
[docs] def fill_minimum_n_effective(posterior, likelihood): """ Compute the minimum per event n effective for each posterior sample. This is added to the posterior in place. Parameters ---------- posterior: pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing posterior distribution likelihood: gwpopulation.hyperpe.HyperparameterLikelihood The likelihood used in the analysis. Returns ------- """ if not hasattr(likelihood, "per_event_bayes_factors_and_n_effective"): "Likelihood has no method 'per_event_bayes_factors_and_n_effective'" " skipping n_effective calculation." ) return all_n_effectives = list() for ii in trange(len(posterior), file=sys.stdout): parameters = dict(posterior.iloc[ii]) parameters, _ = likelihood.conversion_function(parameters) likelihood.parameters.update(parameters) likelihood.hyper_prior.parameters.update(parameters) _, n_effectives = likelihood.per_event_bayes_factors_and_n_effective() all_n_effectives.append(float(min(n_effectives))) posterior["min_event_n_effective"] = all_n_effectives return
[docs] def resample_single_event_posteriors(likelihood, result, save=True): """ Resample the single event posteriors to use the population-informed prior. Parameters ---------- likelihood: gwpopulation.hyperpe.HyperparameterLikelihood The likelihood object to use. result: bilby.core.result.Result The result whose posterior should be used for the reweighting. save: bool Whether to save the samples to file. If `False` the samples will be returned. Returns ------- original_samples: dict The input samples with the new prior weights in a new `weights` entry. reweighted_samples: dict The input samples resampled in place according to the new prior weights. Note that this will cause samples to be repeated. """ original_samples = original_samples["prior"] = likelihood.sampling_prior reweighted_samples, weights = likelihood.posterior_predictive_resample( result.posterior, return_weights=True ) original_samples["weights"] = weights original_samples = { key: to_numpy(original_samples[key]) for key in original_samples } reweighted_samples = { key: to_numpy(reweighted_samples[key]) for key in reweighted_samples } if save: with open(f"{result.outdir}/{result.label}_samples.pkl", "wb") as ff: dill.dump( dict( original=original_samples, reweighted=reweighted_samples, names=result.meta_data["event_ids"], label=result.label, ), file=ff, ) else: return original_samples, reweighted_samples
[docs] def generate_extra_statistics(posterior, likelihood): from .utils import maybe_jit all_samples = list() func = maybe_jit(likelihood.generate_extra_statistics) for ii in trange(len(posterior), file=sys.stdout): parameters = dict(posterior.iloc[ii]) updated = func(parameters) all_samples.append({key: float(updated[key]) for key in updated}) return pd.DataFrame(all_samples)
[docs] def scale_evidences_by_cut(result, likelihood, hyper_prior, N_samples=3000): """ Scale the evidence calculated by dynesty by the fraction of prior samples retained after convergence cuts. Dynesty calculates the evidence with respect to the prior that has nonzero likelihood support, effectively renormalizing the prior. A major cause of zero likelihood support is the convergence cuts applied. This function scales the evidence by the fraction of prior samples that have nonzero likelihood support to undo this renormalization. The field `log_evidence_scaled` is added to the result to represent the evidence with respect to the prior supplied by the user, whereas `result.log_evidence` is the evidence directly from dynesty, which is the evidence with respect to the prior with nonzero likelihood support. Parameters ---------- result: bilby.core.result.Result The result object containing the evidence to be scaled. likelihood: gwpopulation.hyperpe.HyperparameterLikelihood The likelihood object used in the analysis. hyper_prior: bilby.core.prior.PriorDict The prior used in the analysis. N_samples: int The number of samples to draw from the prior to estimate the fraction of prior samples retained after convergence cuts. Returns ------- None """ passed = 0 for _ in trange(N_samples): parameters = dict(hyper_prior.sample()) parameters, _ = likelihood.conversion_function(parameters) likelihood.parameters.update(parameters) likelihood.hyper_prior.parameters.update(parameters) log_likelihood = likelihood.log_likelihood_ratio() if log_likelihood > -np.inf: passed += 1 frac_retained = passed / N_samples f"Fraction of prior samples retained after convergence cuts: {frac_retained}" ) frac_uncertainty = np.sqrt(frac_retained * (1 - frac_retained) / N_samples) result.meta_data["log_evidence_scaled"] = result.log_evidence + np.log( frac_retained ) result.meta_data["log_bayes_factor_scaled"] = result.log_bayes_factor + np.log( frac_retained ) result.meta_data["log_evidence_scaled_err"] = np.sqrt( (frac_uncertainty / frac_retained) ** 2 + (result.log_evidence_err / np.exp(result.log_evidence)) ** 2 )
[docs] def main(): parser = create_parser() args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) set_backend(args.backend) os.makedirs(args.run_dir, exist_ok=True) posterior_file = os.path.join(args.run_dir, "data", f"{args.data_label}.pkl") posteriors = pd.read_pickle(posterior_file) if not args.cosmo: for ii, post in enumerate(posteriors): posteriors[ii] = post[post["redshift"] < args.max_redshift] vt_helper.N_EVENTS = len(posteriors) event_ids = list() with open( os.path.join(args.run_dir, "data", f"{args.data_label}_posterior_files.txt"), "r", ) as ff: for line in ff.readlines(): event_ids.append(line.split(":")[0])"Loaded {len(posteriors)} posteriors") args.models = convert_string_to_dict( str(args.models).replace("[", "{").replace("]", "}") ) args.vt_models = convert_string_to_dict( str(args.vt_models).replace("[", "{").replace("]", "}") ) hyper_prior = load_prior(args) model = load_model(args) selection = load_vt(args) search_keys = list() ignore = ["dataset", "self", "cls"] for func in model.models: if hasattr(func, "variable_names"): param_keys = func.variable_names else: param_keys = infer_args_from_function_except_n_args(func, n=0) param_keys = set(param_keys) param_keys.update(KNOWN_ARGUMENTS.get(func, set())) for key in param_keys: if key in search_keys or key in ignore: continue search_keys.append(key) search_keys.extend(getattr(model, "cosmology_names", list()))"Identified keys: {', '.join(search_keys)}") for key in list(hyper_prior.keys()): if ( key not in search_keys and key != "rate" and not isinstance(hyper_prior[key], Constraint) ): del hyper_prior[key] elif (isinstance(hyper_prior[key], Constraint)) and (args.sampler == "numpyro"): del hyper_prior[key] likelihood = create_likelihood(args, posteriors, model, selection) likelihood.parameters.update(hyper_prior.sample()) likelihood.log_likelihood_ratio() if args.injection_file is not None: injections = pd.read_json(args.injection_file) injection_parameters = dict(injections.iloc[args.injection_index]) else: injection_parameters = None if args.backend == "jax" and args.sampler != "numpyro": from gwpopulation.experimental.jax import JittedLikelihood likelihood = JittedLikelihood(likelihood) result = run_sampler( likelihood=likelihood, priors=hyper_prior, label=args.label, sampler=args.sampler, outdir=os.path.join(args.run_dir, "result"), injection_parameters=injection_parameters, save="hdf5", **get_sampler_kwargs(args), ) result.meta_data["models"] = args.models result.meta_data["vt_models"] = args.vt_models result.meta_data["event_ids"] = event_ids result.posterior = likelihood.conversion_function(result.posterior)[0] if args.backend == "jax" and args.sampler == "numpyro": from gwpopulation.experimental.jax import JittedLikelihood likelihood = JittedLikelihood(likelihood) if args.vt_file is not None:"Computing rate posterior") compute_rate_posterior(posterior=result.posterior, selection=selection)"Computing n effectives") fill_minimum_n_effective(posterior=result.posterior, likelihood=likelihood)"Generating extra statistics") result.posterior = generate_extra_statistics( posterior=result.posterior, likelihood=likelihood )"Scaling evidences by convergence cut") scale_evidences_by_cut(result, likelihood, hyper_prior) result.save_to_file(extension="hdf5", overwrite=True)"Resampling single event posteriors") model = load_model(args) selection = load_vt(args) likelihood = create_likelihood(args, posteriors, model, selection) likelihood.hyper_prior.parameters = likelihood.parameters resample_single_event_posteriors(likelihood, result, save=True)