Source code for gwpopulation_pipe.main

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import glob
import itertools
import os
import shutil
import sys
from pathlib import Path

import htcondor
from bilby.core.sampler import get_sampler_class
from bilby.core.utils import logger
from bilby_pipe.utils import convert_string_to_dict, strip_quotes
from bilby_pipe.job_creation.nodes.analysis_node import touch_checkpoint_files
from htcondor import dags

from .parser import create_parser



[docs] def relative_topdir(path: str, reference: str) -> str: """Returns the top-level directory name of a path relative to a reference """ try: return str(Path(path).resolve().relative_to(reference)) except ValueError as exc: exc.args = (f"cannot format {path} relative to {reference}",) raise
[docs] def transfer_container(path: str = None) -> bool: return path is not None and os.path.exists(path) and not path.startswith("/cvmfs")
[docs] def container_lines(args): if args.container is None: return dict() requirements = "HAS_SINGULARITY=?=True" if args.backend == "jax": requirements = f"({requirements}) && has_avx" config = { "MY.SingularityImage": f'"{args.container}"', "requirements": requirements, "transfer_executable": False, } return config
[docs] def create_base(kind, args, gpus=0): log_file = f"{args.log_dir}/population-{kind}-$(label)" memory = "8GB" if transfer_container(args.container): disk = "10GB" else: disk = "4GB" config = { "universe": "vanilla", "initialdir": os.environ["PWD"], "executable": getattr(args, f"{kind}_executable"), "output": f"{log_file}.out", "error": f"{log_file}.err", "log": f"{log_file}.log", "request_cpus": "1", "request_gpus": gpus, "request_memory": memory, "request_disk": disk, "accounting_group": args.accounting, "accounting_group_user": args.user, "notification": "error", "arguments": _arguments(args, kind).format( **{var: f"$({var})" for var in _VARIABLES[kind]} ), "checkpoint_exit_code": 130, "MY.flock_local": True, } if kind == "collection" or args.pool == "local": config["MY.DESIRED_Sites"] = '"none"' if args.backend == "jax": config["requirements"] = "has_avx" if gpus: config["require_gpus"] = args.require_gpus if kind == "summary": config["environment"] = f'CONDA_EXE={os.getenv("CONDA_EXE")}' config.update(container_lines(args)) config.update(transfer_files(args, kind)) job = htcondor.Submit(config) return job
[docs] def transfer_files(args, kind): run_dir = relative_topdir(args.run_dir, os.environ["PWD"]) ini_file = f"{run_dir}/{args.label}_config_complete.ini" data_dir = f"{run_dir}/data" result_dir = f"{run_dir}/result" model_files = list() for model_list in args.all_models.values(): for model in model_list: if model.endswith(".json"): model_files.append(os.path.abspath(model)) if args.source_files is not None: source_files = [os.path.abspath(fname) for fname in args.source_files] else: source_files = list() if kind == "summary": inputs = [ini_file] inputs.extend( [f"{run_dir}/result/{label}_result.hdf5" for label in args.labels] ) outputs = [f"{run_dir}/summary"] elif kind == "collection": if args.vt_file is None: inputs = list() elif "*" in args.vt_file: inputs = glob.glob(args.vt_file) else: inputs = [args.vt_file] inputs += [ini_file, data_dir] outputs = [data_dir] elif kind == "analysis": inputs = [ f"{data_dir}/{args.data_label}.pkl", f"{data_dir}/{args.data_label}_posterior_files.txt", os.path.abspath(args.prior_file), ini_file, ] if args.vt_file is not None: inputs.append(f"{data_dir}/injections.pkl") cls = get_sampler_class(args.sampler) files, dirs = cls.get_expected_outputs(outdir=result_dir, label="$(label)") inputs.extend(files) inputs.extend(dirs) inputs.extend(model_files) inputs.extend(source_files) outputs = [result_dir] elif kind == "format": inputs = [ f"{result_dir}/$(label)_result.hdf5", f"{result_dir}/$(label)_samples.pkl", ] if args.vt_file is not None: inputs.append(f"{data_dir}/injections.pkl") inputs.extend(model_files) inputs.extend(source_files) outputs = [f"{result_dir}/$(label)_full_posterior.hdf5"] elif kind == "plot": inputs = [ ini_file, f"{result_dir}/$(label)_result.hdf5", f"{result_dir}/$(label)_samples.pkl", ] if args.vt_file is not None: inputs.append(f"{data_dir}/injections.pkl") inputs.extend(model_files) inputs.extend(source_files) outputs = [result_dir] else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown job type: {kind}") if transfer_container(args.container): inputs.append(args.container) return dict( should_transfer_files="YES", transfer_input_files=f"{','.join(inputs)}", transfer_output_files=f"{','.join(outputs)}", when_to_transfer_output="ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT", preserve_relative_paths=True, stream_error=True, stream_output=True, )
def _arguments(args, kind): run_dir = relative_topdir(args.run_dir, os.environ["PWD"]) ini_file = f"{run_dir}/{args.label}_config_complete.ini" data_dir = f"{run_dir}/data" result_dir = f"{run_dir}/result" if args.vt_file is not None: vt_file = f"{data_dir}/injections.pkl" else: vt_file = args.vt_file if kind == "analysis": arguments = ( f"{ini_file} --run-dir {run_dir} --label {{label}} " f"{{models}} {{vt_models}} --vt-file {vt_file}" ) elif kind == "collection": arguments = f"{ini_file} --run-dir {run_dir}" elif kind == "format": arguments = ( f"--result-file {result_dir}/{{label}}_result.hdf5 " f"--n-samples {args.n_post_samples} --max-redshift {args.max_redshift} " f"--minimum-mass {args.minimum_mass} --maximum-mass {args.maximum_mass} " f"--injection-file {vt_file} " f"--filename {result_dir}/{{label}}_full_posterior.hdf5 " f"--samples-file {result_dir}/{{label}}_samples.pkl " f"--vt-ifar-threshold {args.vt_ifar_threshold} " f"--vt-snr-threshold {args.vt_snr_threshold} " f"--backend {args.backend} --cosmology {args.cosmology} " ) if args.cosmo: arguments += f"--cosmo " elif kind == "plot": arguments = ( f"{ini_file} --run-dir {run_dir} " f"--result-file {result_dir}/{{label}}_result.hdf5 " f"--samples {result_dir}/{{label}}_samples.pkl " ) elif kind == "summary": result_files = " ".join( [f"{result_dir}/{label}_result.hdf5" for label in args.labels] ) arguments = ( f"--config {ini_file} --webdir {run_dir}/summary " f"--samples {result_files} --labels {' '.join(args.labels)}" ) return arguments _VARIABLES = dict( analysis=["label", "models", "vt_models"], collection=list(), format=["label"], plot=["label"], summary=list(), )
[docs] def check_user(user=None): if user is None: if "USER" in os.environ: user = os.environ.get["USER"] else: raise ValueError( "Argument 'user' must be provided or set in environment variables!" ) return user
[docs] def make_submit_files(args): subfiles = ["analysis", "collection", "common_format"] if args.post_plots: subfiles.append("plot") if args.make_summary: subfiles.append("summary") uses_gpu = ["analysis", "common_format", "plot"] jobs = dict() for label in subfiles: if label in uses_gpu: gpus = args.request_gpu else: gpus = 0 jobs[label] = create_base(label.split("_")[-1], args, gpus) return jobs
[docs] def update_args(args): args.user = check_user(user=args.user) args.accounting = "" args.run_dir = os.path.abspath(args.run_dir) args.log_dir = os.path.abspath(args.log_dir) args.request_gpu = int(args.request_gpu) args.all_models = convert_string_to_dict(args.all_models) if args.conda_env is not None: env_path = f"{args.conda_env}/bin" elif args.container is not None: env_path = "" else: env_path = shutil.which("gwpopulation_pipe").rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[0] if not env_path.endswith("/"): env_path += "/" args.analysis_executable = f"{env_path}gwpopulation_pipe_analysis" args.collection_executable = f"{env_path}gwpopulation_pipe_collection" args.format_executable = f"{env_path}gwpopulation_pipe_to_common_format" args.plot_executable = f"{env_path}gwpopulation_pipe_plot" args.summary_executable = f"{env_path}summarypages" args.custom_plotting = ( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ""), ) args.condor_dir = os.path.join(args.run_dir, "submit") args.result_dir = os.path.join(args.run_dir, "result") args.summary_dir = os.path.join(args.run_dir, "summary") args.data_dir = os.path.join(args.run_dir, "data")
[docs] def create_directories(args): for directory in [ args.run_dir, args.log_dir, args.condor_dir, args.result_dir, args.data_dir, args.summary_dir, ]: if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.mkdir(directory) elif not os.path.isdir(directory): raise IOError(f"{directory} exists and is not a directory.") if os.path.isdir(args.existing_data_directory): os.rmdir(args.data_dir) os.symlink( os.path.abspath(args.existing_data_directory), os.path.abspath(args.data_dir), ) do_collection = False else: do_collection = True return do_collection
[docs] def reduce_name(value): if value.endswith(".json"): value = value[:-5] return value.split(".")[-1]
[docs] def write_bash_file(variables, args, bash_file): bash_str = "#! /bin/bash\n\n" bash_str += f"echo 'Moving to {os.environ['PWD']}'\n" bash_str += f"cd {os.environ['PWD']}\n\n" if "collection" in variables: bash_str += f"{args.collection_executable} {_arguments(args, 'collection')}\n\n" for avar, pvar, fvar in zip( variables["analysis"], variables["plot"], variables["common_format"] ): bash_str += f"{args.analysis_executable} {_arguments(args, 'analysis').format(**avar)}\n\n" bash_str += ( f"{args.plot_executable} {_arguments(args, 'plot').format(**pvar)}\n\n" ) bash_str += ( f"{args.format_executable} {_arguments(args, 'format').format(**fvar)}\n\n" ) if "summary" in variables: bash_str += f"{args.summary_executable} {_arguments(args, 'summary')}\n\n" bash_str += "cd -\n" with open(bash_file, "w") as ff: ff.write(bash_str)
[docs] def make_dag(args): update_args(args) do_collection = create_directories(args) all_variables = dict() if do_collection: all_variables["collection"] = [dict(label=args.label)] run_dir = relative_topdir(args.run_dir, os.environ["PWD"]) job_names = list() result_files = list() all_variables["analysis"] = list() all_variables["plot"] = list() all_variables["common_format"] = list() for values in itertools.product(*args.all_models.values()): models = dict(zip(args.all_models.keys(), values)) prior_name = "_".join( [f"{key}_{reduce_name(value)}" for key, value in models.items()] ) job_name = f"{args.label}_{prior_name}" job_names.append(job_name) result_files.append(f"{run_dir}/result/{job_name}_result.hdf5") if models.get("mass", None) in MASS_MODELS: models["mass"] = MASS_MODELS[models["mass"]] if models.get("redshift", None) in REDSHIFT_MODELS: models["redshift"] = REDSHIFT_MODELS[models["redshift"]] vt_models = dict() for key in models: if key in args.vt_parameters: vt_models[key] = models[key] for key in args.vt_parameters: if key not in models: logger.error( f"VT parameter {key} not in models. Names in vt-parameters must be in models." ) if len(vt_models) == 0: vt_models = {key: models[key] for key in ["mass", "redshift"]} models = "--models " + " --models ".join( [f"{key}:{value}" for key, value in models.items()] ) vt_models = "--vt-models " + " --vt-models ".join( [f"{key}:{value}" for key, value in vt_models.items()] ) all_variables["analysis"].append( dict(label=job_name, models=models, vt_models=vt_models) ) touch_checkpoint_files( directory=args.result_dir, label=job_name, sampler=args.sampler, result_format="hdf5", ) all_variables["plot"].append(dict(label=job_name)) all_variables["common_format"].append(dict(label=job_name)) args.labels = job_names if args.make_summary: all_variables["summary"] = [dict()] def layer_kwargs(kind): return dict( name=f"{args.condor_dir}/{kind}", submit_description=jobs[kind], vars=all_variables[kind], ) dag = dags.DAG() jobs = make_submit_files(args) if do_collection: collection_layer = dag.layer(**layer_kwargs("collection")) next_layer = collection_layer.child_layer else: next_layer = dag.layer analysis_layer = next_layer(**layer_kwargs("analysis")) edges = dict(plot=dags.OneToOne(), common_format=dags.OneToOne(), summary=None) for kind in ["plot", "common_format", "summary"]: if kind not in all_variables: continue analysis_layer.child_layer(edge=edges[kind], **layer_kwargs(kind)) bash_file = f"{args.condor_dir}/{args.label}.sh" dag_file = f"{args.condor_dir}/{args.label}.dag" dags.write_dag(dag, args.condor_dir, dag_file_name=f"{args.label}.dag") write_bash_file(all_variables, args, bash_file) print(f"dag file written to {dag_file}") print(f"shell script written to {bash_file}") print(f"Now run condor_submit_dag {dag_file}")
[docs] def main(): parser = create_parser() args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) complete_ini_file = f"{args.run_dir}/{args.label}_config_complete.ini" make_dag(args) parser.write_to_file( filename=complete_ini_file, args=args, overwrite=True, include_description=False, ) with open(complete_ini_file, "r") as ff: content = ff.readlines() for ii, line in enumerate(content): content[ii] = strip_quotes(line) with open(complete_ini_file, "w") as ff: ff.writelines(content)